Email support

Customer support

Support Request

Your request may be dealt with faster if you create and attach a file called FSDIAG to it. This file provides us vital information about your system. Follow the instructions below to create and send the FSDIAG file.

Informazioni di contatto

Verifica che l'indirizzo e-mail sia corretto per consentirci di contattarti in caso di bisogno.
Il numero di telefono deve essere in formato internazionale
This is the Customer Number stated in your license certificate

Dettagli sul prodotto


Allega file alla richiesta

Nota: Alcuni browser non permettono di allegare più file.

  • Le dimensioni totali dei file allegati non devono superare i 100 MB
  • Possono essere allegati fino a 10 file
  • I file vuoti verranno eliminati


How to create and send FSDIAG file?

If you encounter technical problems with your product and need further assistance, kindly create and send an FSDIAG file to our technical support. 

You can create the FSDIAG file using the Support Tool program provided with the product. This program gathers vital information about your system and its configuration, which includes product details, operating system logs, and system settings.

Information collected by our program will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Read more about our Support Tool privacy policy here


For Windows

Note: Support Tool requires you to be logged in as an administrator. 

  1. Click Start 
  2. Select All Programs > (WithSecure product) > Support Tool
  3. Select Run diagnostics
  4. Once the tool completes gathering information, it will create the output file on your desktop. The name of the archive file is Do note that the file size may be as large as 100MB.  
  5. Attach the file to your support request. Our technical support will handle the request and reply to you. 


For Mac OS

  1. Go to Finder > Applications > WithSecure
  2. Select the Support Tool app 
  3. Select Run diagnostics 
  4. Once the tool completes gathering information, choose a location for the output file and save it there. The name of the archive file is fsdiag.tar.gz. Do note that the file size may be as large as 100MB. 
  5. Attach the file to your support request. Our technical support will handle the request and reply to you. 


For Linux

  1. Follow the instruction for applicable Linux product provided in the article How do I create an FSDIAG file on Linux systems
  2. Collect the archive file fsdiag.tar.gz. Product name and date of collection may be included in the file name, depending on the products.
  3. Attach the file to your support request. Our technical support will handle the request and reply to you.