WithSecure™ counters cybercrime in South Africa – and around the world

Nobody should suffer a serious loss due to a cyber attack. WithSecure has been committed to this goal for over 30 years, protecting businesses and organizations worldwide – including in South Africa.


Our numbers speak for themselves


Customers in South Africa

Business large, medium and small in South Africa trust us to deliver top-notch cyber security solutions and guidance.


First choice 

On every continent, WithSecure is the first choice for companies that want to maximize security ROI while improving competitiveness, agility and innovation. 


Best of the best

WithSecure unites hundreds of the best attackers, defenders and strategic minds in cyber security.

WithSecure™ Elements

WithSecure Elements delivers endpoint protection, endpoint detection and response, vulnerability management and collaboration protection within a unified cloud-based cyber security platform. You can combine all the solutions or pick the ones that your business requires.

Flexible pricing models make Elements viable for organisations of all sizes – and when technology is not enough, our industry-leading experts are available to help with even the toughest security cases.

Reach out to receive a free 30-day trial.

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Hear from our customers

Save the Children

Save the Children is a popular target for cyber threats. The organisation needed a centralized security solution to align with its IT strategy.

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Transforming IT environment prompted Teosto to look for cyber security capabilities to cover its full attack surface.

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Móveis Itatiaia

Kitchen manufacturer needed a more efficient security system for the security of remote workers, and protection for the company’s legacy machines. 

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Get in touch with our distributor

CyberVision is a leading IT software distributor in Africa, working with resellers throughout the continent. We have enjoyed a 20+ years of good partnership with the company, which excells in mitigating risks and helping organisations manage complex security challenges with a business-focused man-and-machine combined approach.

If you are a reseller and you would like to expand your portfolio to include WithSecure™ cybersecurity solutions, please contact CyberVision: 

CyberVision Pty Ltd

Email: info@cybervision.co.za
Tel: 087 330 0011

Let us help you protect your organization

Let us help you find the solution that best suits your business. Complete the form, and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.

We process the personal data you share with us in accordance with our Corporate Business Privacy Policy.