WithSecure™ Elements Quarterly

More intelligent. More efficient. More Elements. 



Welcome to the evolution of WithSecure™ Elements in Q4/2022

As the attack landscape evolves, so must our defenses. To empower you to keep up, we have recently elevated WithSecure™ Elements to include:

  • Microsoft Teams Protection as an additional layer to protect cloud-based collaboration and remote work – delivered as part of the Elements Collaboration Protection

  • Server Share Protection feature with roll-back option to ensure all your organization’s file shares are always fully protected with a new game changing technology to ransomware protection

Microsoft Teams Protection

Microsoft Teams has become the most widely used online meeting and cloud-based collaboration service, with over 100 million daily users. This makes for an essential attack vector that is not covered by traditional security approaches.

WithSecure™ Elements Collaboration Protection now includes Microsoft Teams protection that completes advanced protection for Microsoft 365 and let your hybrid workforce collaborate safely.

Advanced protection for Microsoft Teams

Watch and hear Harri Ruusinen (Director, Global Sales Engineering) explain why securing your Microsoft Teams meetings is important and how easy it is with Elements. 

Demo: how to enable Teams Protection in just a few clicks and how it actually works in Teams

WithSecure™ Collaboration Protection

Read how to protect your Microsoft Teams meetings and chats from the team behind the new solution.

Server Share Protection

Sharing files on local file servers is exposing organizations to risks of ransomware attacks especially whenever unprotected devices access the server shares and end up encrypting large amount of important files as unusable.

The new server share protection adds yet another preventive layer against ransomware to address scenarios where remote computers without a proper advanced endpoint protection are behaving maliciously on file shares.

Server Share Protection introduction

Watch and hear Mika Arasola (Senior Product Owner) explain how you can protect your file servers from ransomware attacks with our new technology implemented in Elements Endpoint Protection for Servers.

Game changing technology to tackle ransomware

Our Lead Researcher, Broderick Aquilino, explains how our patent pending game changing technology can protect your organization from ransomware attacks.

Demo: Watch how Server Share Protection works and protects your file servers

WithSecure™ Collaboration Protection

Read how the protection against ransomware got even stronger with our game changing technology.

Check out our previous Elements Quarterly Launches

In Q3/2022 we introduced:


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Learn more about the Elements portfolio

WithSecure™ Elements

WithSecure™ Elements is a unified cloud-based cyber security platform offering protection against Malware, Ransomware, Advanced Persistent Threats, and more.

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WithSecure™ Elements Endpoint Detection and Response

WithSecure™ Elements Endpoint Detection and Response solution provides enhanced detection capabilities and security against cyber attacks and data breaches.

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WithSecure™ Elements Endpoint Protection

Secure your business with our advanced endpoint protection. Trusted by top enterprises, our solutions safeguard against the latest cyber threats. Elevate your security now!

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WithSecure™ Elements Collaboration Protection

Explore Microsoft 365 security solutions for comprehensive protection. Defend against advanced threats on all devices and collaboration tools.

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WithSecure™ Elements Vulnerability Management

Easy-to-deploy vulnerability scanner for your whole network and all its assets. Learn about WithSecure™ Elements Vulnerability Management and how it can help.

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